It is most often necessary to not only correct the English language in written documents. An editing of the scientific content might also be necessary. We offer both services within Surface Science Editing.

The expertise within Surface Science Editing is in the area of solid surface science. We have about 30 year’s experience from research within the field, which has resulted in a vast number of publications in well-renown international journals. In addition, we have also many year’s experience from teaching within this subject at various undergraduate and graduate levels at the University. These teaching experiences do also include the development of surface science courses.

We offer the following editing services:

  • Correction of the English language, thereby improving the flow and readability of the document.
  • Editing of the scientific content in the field of surface science
  • In the case of manuscripts, we can also transform it to a format that fits a specific journal.

Example of price list:

(Time for editing)        One week                3 days
           24 hours*
Language correction        0.10 Euro/word         0.15 Euro/word         0.20 Euro/word
Scientific editing     0.10 Euro/word          0.15 Euro/word         0.20 Euro/word
Journal formatting    50 Euro         50 Euro        50 Euro

*Size of ~ 20 pages

Feel free to contact us for further information about prices and services!

The services are highly flexible and can be tailor-made for your specific need.

Request a Quote

Send your contact information to us, and attach a text with information about your manuscript (e.g., length, for publication in an international journal, thesis, project proposal, etc. ). OBS! The attachment of a file is necessary for the outcome of the quotation! We will get back to you with a quotation within 24 hours.